no.9 no sleeve top


finished date30th June, 2003
textilecotton 100%  
pattern anneesi cotton*  557
shop textile…Tukiyasu_Hiroshi_ shouten@Nippori
comment This pattern is " annesi cotton" 's. According to this site, Each size of "40" is almost same as my each size.  So, I tried to make it without fitting, but this top fits perfectly including fitting of around bust. 
I feel fine that annesi's pattern is same length in any size. (about MPL's pattern, I have to make a modification of the lengh everytime).  How easy to not fit! I still have 2 patterns that I've not sew yet, but I may make them without confusion.
That's challenging for me to evaluate my body propotion. But the members of off-lime meeting were surprised that I always say I have no conficence about my looking, they scold me. "Come on! How many times of saying of same line satisfy you? Why don't you try to fresh style although is fits well naturally?" 
So I tried to purchase this pattern on sale, and I tried to fit this cloth...  It seems it's very nice for me. I have to change my mind...
 毎度のことながら外見に関する自己評価がえらく低い私なのですが、あまり同じことをいっているため、オフでお会いしているみなさんから怒られまして…「まったくもう、いいかげんにしてください! いったい何度同じこといったら気が済むんですか? ちゃんと似合うんですから新しいスタイルにも挑戦してくださいよ!」

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